贝茨旅馆 第二季





贝茨旅馆 第二季 剧照 NO.1贝茨旅馆 第二季 剧照 NO.2贝茨旅馆 第二季 剧照 NO.3贝茨旅馆 第二季 剧照 NO.4贝茨旅馆 第二季 剧照 NO.5贝茨旅馆 第二季 剧照 NO.6贝茨旅馆 第二季 剧照 NO.13贝茨旅馆 第二季 剧照 NO.14贝茨旅馆 第二季 剧照 NO.15贝茨旅馆 第二季 剧照 NO.16贝茨旅馆 第二季 剧照 NO.17贝茨旅馆 第二季 剧照 NO.18贝茨旅馆 第二季 剧照 NO.19贝茨旅馆 第二季 剧照 NO.20


 1 ) 这一季Dylan最赚人气

    本来是冲着海默来看这部剧的 当然这一季海默的演技上升不少 表现可圈可点 ……
   但现在越来越爱他哥哥Dyian 简直是出任总经理 担任CEO 走上人生巅峰的节奏 就差迎娶白富美了
    这一季的剧情没有上一季那么起伏 看得人小心脏七上八下 这一季死人死得不爽 缺乏惊喜 而且大麻负责人接替那里有硬伤 本来是家族企业 人都死绝了 怎么可以随意换人 那么多财产 史瑞夫说给谁就给谁了 呀喂( 史瑞夫才是真正的大boss 吼吼吼 你们这群sb)
    回到Dylan 除了身高有一点不足以外 还真是穿衣服显瘦 脱衣服有肉呢 这一季他不穿衣服的戏还挺多 可能就是为了炫耀哥最近的健身的成果的 ><
    艾玛虽然戏份少 但是感觉身材越来越好 脸也越来越漂亮了 但凡主要一点的角色都得有点床戏 海默太白太瘦 搭戏的女孩太黑肚子肉太多 实在没有感觉 那个有点斗鸡眼的老师就更别提了 妈妈还好 但搭戏的爷们也太弱 艾玛和蛋糕男孩还可以 但太青涩 最有感觉的还是Dylan 虽然那个女boss斗鸡眼的比女老师还厉害 但是Dylan是膀逼 腹肌一露太sexy~so 这一季的床戏还是Dylan赢了
     你看诺曼和诺玛在片子里总是换衣服 尤其是诺玛 动不动就开衣柜 就连整天刷存在感的艾玛也至少一集一套新衣服的频率 但Dylan一直是一件黑夹克 只换衬衫看不到啊呀喂 但这一季中攒下的人气也许会使赞助商注意到他 估计在第三季中我们就能愉快的看到Dylan的换装啦 啦啦啦

 2 ) 「Quotes」

【Season2 Episode 1】
「Welcome to the world, ladies! There are ax murderers and whores stuffed under every rug, so your kids better read up on it and get educated, because that's what life is! It's a cesspool you claw and scratch and fight to swim out of, but you never get to the top!」

【Season2 Episode 2】
『♫Vera Farmiga & Freddie Highmore — Mr. Sandman♫』

『♫Vera Farmiga — Maybe This Time♫』

【Season2 Episode 3】
「A lot of things seem like fate, and they're not.」

【Season2 Episode 4】
「There are things in life that have consequences, Norma. You're looking at one. I'm a consequence.

No, you're not. You're not a consequence. You need to be strong. You need to put this behind you.

I can't put this behind me. It's me. How can I put me behind me?」

【Season2 Episode 5】
「It's you and me, Norman. It's always been you and me, and we have to move on.」

【Season2 Episode 6】
「Go home, Mother. I'm not a little boy. You can't keep me locked up in our house for the rest of my life.」

【Season2 Episode 7】
「You saw him firsthand when he blackout. Did he hurt you? Did he hurt anyone? Was he angry or uncontrollable? No, right? He just wasn't himself, and there's no good reason that anyone should know that. 」

「You just told him, and he believed it, even though he doesn't know me? And I told you, and you know me better than anyone. And you didn't? And you still don't?」

「She said something happend to you in them. You change. They can make you do things.

What? What happens to me?

I don't know, but she knows, and you got to make her tell you, Norman, 'cause whatever it is, it scares the shit out of her.」

「You told her something happens to me when I blackout. You said I change, that I'm not myself. Who am I, mother? Who am I, and what do I do?

Norman, I love you so much. And I did say those things. And they are true. But we are not gonna talk about them. You have to trust that I am protecting you, I know you better than anyone, because I'm not gonna answer you question, and I don't want your to ever ask me again!」

【Season2 Episode 8】
「Norman, we need to talk. I missed you.

That's sort of silly. We just saw each other.

Norman, stop it.

Stop what?

I know what you're doing?

I watching a movie.

Yeah, the movie that you said you'd seen a hundred times that I wanted to go to with you.

Well, we have seen it a hundred times. I still enjoy it. Sometimes it's just nice to watch a movie alone, you know?

You're being a dick about something that isn't my fault.

I'm just watching a movie.

Movie's over.

That was childish.

Norman, stop it. Stop. I don't like you this way.

And what way is that?

All distant, like you couldn't be bothered with me.

You mean like I'm my owen person? Like we're different? Like I have secrets from you?

Don't you walk away form me!

You're being ridiculous.

Am I? Norman, please.

Oh, I see. The anger didn't work. Now the tears.

Norman, you don't understand!

No, I do understand! I understand that you're not who I thought you were. That we're not what I thought we were.

Yes, we are. Nothing has changed.

Everything has changed. You changed the rules.

What rules? What are you talking about?

I don't trust you anymore, and that changes everything. Okay, it's all up for grabs now. You no longer know who I am either, because we're different.

What? Stop it. Stop. Stop it, Norman.

It was all just a game. The game was that we were devoted to each other, and no one could ever come between us, that we loved each other more than anyone could ever love another person.

But we do love each other.

Do we? Do we really, Mother? I'm going to my room. Don't follow me. Leave me alone. You stay out here alone.」

【Season2 Episode 9】
「If I went by the letter of the law, this town would be boarded up.」

「Norman, I know you can't hear me right now, but if you ever do, just know that I love you. I love you more than anything on this earth or in heaven. Know that.」

「You want to know why you don't get me? Because you can't get me. You will never get me. You think you know what life is, That it's something you just stay on top of with your soft words and your nice summer jacket? You come from a whole world of people who are not real. You don't understand anything. You're just sleepwalking through life. You have no real troubles. You sit there in your little playhouses with your cocktails, and you judge the rest of us.」

【Season2 Episode 10】
「You're best mother in the world.

I don't know, Norman. I hope so.

You mean everything to me. I love you more than my own life.

Me too.」

「I got three tickets. I want you to come.

You bought me a ticket?

I'm sorry, Dylan. I'm so sorry, for everything. For how you were born, how I handled it. How I shut you out... it was horrible of me. And I'm so sorry.

It's not your falt, Norma. You were just a kid.

I didn't know what I was doing, but as horrible as it was, I wouldn't trade it for anything, because you're here now, and you're beautiful, and you're a miracle, that someone like you could come out of all that. And I wouldn't give you up for anything.」

「I don't want him in an institution.

He needs to be somewhere he can be protected. At least, someplace other people are protected. You need to know the truth.」

   I made this little bird for you.
   I will always love you an we will always be part of each other.

「How can you ask me to live like this?

Because I will die if you leave. I will, I'll die, Norman. We're like the same person. If you kill yourself, I'll be there one step after. We have to be together. We're supposed to be together. No matter what, I will be with you every step. I will be right by your side, and we will face this together. Please. Please. (Kiss)

All right, Mother. You win.」

 3 ) 神经病集中营





感觉此剧就是卖着psycho的噱头,不过我是因为Max Thieriot才追的
估计下季应该不会追了吧……= =

 4 ) 关于【贝茨旅馆season 2】的不严肃讨论

 5 ) 真正致命的是什么


 6 ) 这个剧没法看了 大麻头子这么当你问问平克曼羡慕不羡慕


从他在和谢尔比警官的最后一轮对射出来了以后就中了之前的一枪 我就知道这他妈干掉了一个专业警察 二号主角光环爆炸

剧中酒吧喝了两杯 Ethan不用查底细 不用熟悉 一点谨慎都没有 就带dylan去当捞金小弟了


Ethan被干掉了 我以为导演给这个角色设定的位置就是个打杂的

然后21岁的dylan就坐上去了 还给他派了一个23年经验的老饕做副手

gil被干掉了 我以为导演给这个角色设定的位置还是很位高权重的


结果ford被dylan简单干掉了 我以为dylan要在ford内部来场火拼 结果他溜了?溜了 。。我以为dylan和警长二进虎穴要来高潮戏份了 天下大乱 结果警长和dylan大摇大摆进去ford的老窝不费一枪一弹把Norman救出来了


后面我以为zane团伙要和ford的余党火拼 结果ford原来是个纸老虎 一死只有他一个人了 这个集团太没人情味了 结果zane内部还干起来了? 还是boss对拼 警长小人得志偷伤害 让其双双爆炸?

然后21岁的dylan做成了当地的毒枭头子 我真的逼了🐶了 。。。这。。背景黑二代都没他升的快啊

谢尔比 柯里昂家族都不敢这么演 杰西 平克曼都羡慕了

凭什么啊 凭什么啊!

不撸了 不撸了 还有norma的槽点太多 不吐了 光是这一项我就觉得太虚幻了



  • 叩桑叩桑.不在
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  • Enjoy🌈Rachel
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嘻嘻 最后一集诺玛kiss了诺曼,而且诺曼黑化好帅。迪伦和诺玛的关系也有改善了……追剧追得心满意足,这样足矣。期待第三季~

  • Ying_0111
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这一部更紧凑 而且男孩的心理蜕变表现的很地道 而剧情也是水到渠成的流畅 希望下一季有更出色的表演 里面的妈妈哥哥都是大爱

  • 囧囧熊上线啦
  • 力荐


  • 杉小爱|好姑娘,咱们走起来
  • 推荐


  • 米姐起飞
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  • 🌊🌈♐
  • 还行


  • 暗地妖娆
  • 推荐


  • 皮皮一号
  • 力荐


  • 有咕米
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  • 烟视媚行
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  • dayday
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  • 推荐

为了我爱了七年的Max Thieriot →_→ 果断点亮“力荐”的五颗星

  • 全声波频道D
  • 力荐


  • 烟雨弥漫虚弥境
  • 力荐


  • 维少
  • 力荐


  • 小蘑菇一朵
  • 力荐

诺玛真是美。哥哥真是太惨了全季只有一件衣服。兄弟俩都在黑化的路上越走越远。求最后 Norman不要干掉哥哥啊!第三季预订!

  • Wayfarer
  • 力荐


  • Cut the world
  • 力荐