














救世 剧照 NO.1救世 剧照 NO.2救世 剧照 NO.3救世 剧照 NO.4救世 剧照 NO.5救世 剧照 NO.6救世 剧照 NO.13救世 剧照 NO.14救世 剧照 NO.15救世 剧照 NO.16救世 剧照 NO.17救世 剧照 NO.18救世 剧照 NO.19救世 剧照 NO.20


  在19世紀70年代美國,一個和平的美國定居者殺害他家人的兇手這釋放出一個臭名昭著的黑幫頭目的憤怒。他的懦弱的傢伙鄉民然後背叛他,迫使他追捕歹徒孤單。  故事背景設置在1870年代的美國西部小鎮,一名性格溫和的丹麥移民在失去了家人之後向兇手報仇,然而這讓他成為了當地一個臭名昭著的大惡棍的眼中釘。鎮上貪生怕死的居民全都背叛了他,留下了主人公獨自面對那些不法之徒。  丹麥預計2014年10月2日上映的西部劇情片【The Salvation】,入圍第67屆坎城影展競賽片,是丹麥導演克里斯汀‧萊伏林第五部上大螢幕的長片作品,由坎城影帝麥德‧米克森 以及 性感女星伊娃‧格林主演。  本片由【勿怕我】克里斯汀‧萊伏林 Kristian Levring自編自導,【謊言的烙印】麥德‧米克森 Mads Mikkelsen、【300壯士:帝國崛起】伊娃‧格林 Eva Green、【紅潮入侵】傑佛瑞‧狄恩‧摩根 Jeffrey Dean Morgan領銜主演。蛇的秘密封神之人鱼传说好戏一出宇宙有爱浪漫同游赤脚大仙火线救援第七季凯恩的愤怒无畏行星上帝的愤怒女子监狱大屠杀幽魂手机等到永远路易瑟如:黑暗之洲第一季犬犬之心给你生命给我爱金毛狮王999幸运星王家坝北京爱情故事急诊先锋:纽约第一季喝彩!只在那里发光断林镇谜案 第九季暗物质2007诸葛亮ATV版窑洞小学嫁我吧,哥们剑网3万花小医仙命回迁转跨过鸭绿江2021唔该借歪(粤语)心琴调音师俄得克血酒孤独的美食家第九季迈克尔·杰克逊的万圣节且听凤鸣异形庇护所第四季约堡双王五鼠闹东京劫后缘


 1 ) Denmark Strikes Back ... Using English

The US has been using its strengths in industries to further its national strategic objectives ever since it first embarked on the path of Empire two and a half centuries ago. The US movie industry is no exception to be exploited by this American imperial tradition. Nurtured in and nutritioned with the prolific home-market, and having grown prodigally in the first half the of 20th century to become a major cashcow of the US economy by the end of WWII, the US film industry has been employed since as a prominent tool to serve the US propaganda goals and further the US imperial narrative.

With the best staging money can buy (and it must be noted that the more money you have, the better staging you can buy; and the better staging you have in a movie, the more money you make. One should look no further than the intelligence-devoiding Hollywood visual extravaganzas, mostly sequels, which always haul in the most profit while breaking "box-office records", to appreciate this rule), and the unmatched shamelessness (the only truly exceptional trait of the Exceptional People) in appealing to the audience's baser instincts, the US film productions, unsurprisingly, have seduced and enthralled the gullible masses, around the globe, ostensibly for the Messianic goals of civilization, but in fact using the Satanic means of seduction, and achieved the Money-Changers' ends of self-aggrandization and destruction.

Using English, the Empire's language, the American narrative of the light and shadow is made into a narrow, crude, and monotonous one-way street dominated by crass stringent chauvinistic insensitivy: either you are with me, or you are against me; either you think and speak in the Empire's way, or you are a pagan barbarian, and your thinking and speaking do not matter and are wrong, categorically, and not even worth being looked at or listened to.

Nonethelss, amid and despite this crude and disgusting prevalency of the American narrative, other cultures are striking back.

This time, it is Denmark taking the lead, using no less than English itself, scalding bare the skins of American racism and American sanctimony-ism, revealing them for what they are: hypocrisies and double-standards that are parodying themselves.

The Dannish middle finger to the Americans is this: you think you are white? Well, sorry; we are Whiter. Since you think having fairer skin means having more superiority, we are, by God's will, which is the excuse you never stop resorting to in lecturing others, superior to you, so what about you people taking some raceo-culture put-downs from us?

Yes, you discriminate against the Jews; we could understand that, sort of. But you did not hesitate to rape the wife in front the child and kill the child in front of the wife of someone who is much Whiter than you. And you somehow invented the KKK? What is the problem with your American brains?

Well, the problem is actually no problem; it is just that the Exceptional People in the United States of America are hypocrites, and the kind invoking God's name all the time.

The sanctimonious sheriff no less appeals for "compassion" from the husband who had toiled in the desert for years to be able to get his wife and child from Denmark across the ocean and the country but had to finally see them raped and killed in front of him by licentious American outlaws for no other good reason than needing a fuck.

But this same "compassionate" and Lord-invoking "brave" sheriff did not hesitate to give an old woman and a disabled man to a murderous thug to be killed, so that the Sheriff could appease and satisfy the Outlaw.

This church-going sheriff, after having blamed the husband for not showing enough compassion in killing the outlaw who raped the wife and killed the son, somehow suddenly found the divine inspiration to reverse himself and claim the husband a hero, after seeing that the husband had killed all the outlaws so that the sheriff would not need worrying about retaliation by thugs if any other law-abiding citizen per chance did not show enough compassion to killers and rapists.

But only seconds later, God again showed his mysterious ways by making the American sheriff again reverse himself by declaring the soul of the just-made hero fosaken, sanctimoniously denoucing the husband, who had been deprived of his wife and son because the American sheriff himself and his gang were too chicken-shit to enforce laws, was somehow audacious enough to keep a White woman raised by Indians company since it was she who saved his life in his one-man fight against the outlaws when the American sheriff and his gang were too chicken-shit to go anywhere near the battlefield. Or maybe it was just because they had too much "compassion"? But why did not they show that in Ferguson, I wonder? God's will, I guess.

Of course, the Dannish production is as an austere and serious piece of film-making as I can think of. They would not be as untactful as their American counterparts, since they probably know that as crass in language and conducts as the Americans are to others, the Exceptional People always value "decency, civility, and politeness" in others when being spoken to; they do not, cannot, and will not see right from wrong in their own ways, but they will say that you are wrong if you point out that they are wrong, in clear and unambiguous language.

It is just like, if you say "fuck you", the Americans will object even if you did not fuck them. But if you fucked them, and did not say "fuck you", the Americans will take it in strides and probably will even express their pleasure and gratitude. The Dannish obviously took the latter course toward the Americans.

Last, but not least, to fend off nit-pickers, invoking a phrase that would make any American speech "decent", and thus "fit for the general audience", no matter its content or intent, as always done by America's Presidents, I say, God bless, and thank you for the "Salvation".

 2 ) 观后杂感






 3 ) 西部片早已没落,何必再来!


 4 ) 第一次看丹麦电影


 5 ) 编剧的智商着实令人着急。






 6 ) 上帝保佑持枪的人民




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  • 坠落幻觉
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  • 恶魔的步调
  • 力荐

好咧 好咧 Eva Green这次花瓶得彻底咧,都可以没有台词演电影咧!

  • 梅梅酱
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因为开始读血色子午线,想着看个西部片找找气氛……人物塑造很用心,包括镇上的那些居民。Jeffrey Dean Morgan好有感觉!!Mikael Persbrandt演的哥哥也令人心碎QAQ 荒凉、肮脏和原始的凶蛮,以及无知与无助。Only power speaks.其实是因为我绿娃看的→_→

  • 花岛仙藏
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  • 今言
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  • 罗洋
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北欧风格的西部片:凛冽,冷酷,迅疾,毫不拖泥带水。麦叔的脸本来就很适合演这种偏野性的角色,感觉直接从马贩子片场过来的T-T 至于Eva没台词没表情打了个酷酷的配角戏份的酱油,很介意这对雌雄大盗的后续呢~还有那个16岁杂货店小哥有点抢镜~

  • 颜落寒
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  • 猫咪建筑师
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开场马车里的戏就把电影带入高潮 男主肯定相当后悔为什么让儿子去捡枪

  • fanfanfan
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A watchable western

  • emily
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  • 可风
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007皇家赌场的女一和男二 时隔八年 历经千辛万苦割舌之苦丧子之痛后终于幸福地走到了一起

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  • 旺仔 小馒头
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本以为是high noon, 结果什么都不是。。。

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