

主演:凯瑟琳·德纳芙,阿涅斯·瓦尔达,米歇尔·勒格朗,雅克·贝汉,贝特朗·塔维涅,玛格·博达尔,贝尔纳·埃万,Jean-Louis Frot,Pierre Beacousin,乔治·查金思,达尼埃尔·达里约,雅克·德米,弗朗索瓦·朵列,吉恩·凯利,米歇尔·皮科利,雅克·里伯罗勒






  是一部关于Jacques Demy 的《[http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0062873/ 洛城少女]》(Demoiselles de Rochefort,1966)的纪录片,片中混合了当初拍片的现场纪录和二十几年后Rochefort当地为影片庆生的实况。  In 1967, the phenomenally successful director of the films Lola and the groundbreaking musical Les Parapluies de Cherbourg, Jacques Demy, arrived in the little port town of Rochefort and, together with his art director, decorated the whole town in cheerful, almost surreal fashion for the filming of his next musical, Les Demoiselles de Rochefort. This enormously well-received film, packed with songs which became integral to French popular culture, put the little town of Rochefort "on the map." Twenty five years later, a lot of things have changed except for the fond memories of the people who worked on the film, and of the townspeople. In this celebratory documentary, Agnes Varda, the wife of Jacques Demy, brings some of the players and extras together back in Rochefort for some reminiscences. In keeping with the thoroughly romantic nature of the musical, she also tells the story of how Les Demoiselles de Rochefort's extras found romance and had their lives changed by participating in its making. The present-day story is highlighted by clips from the earlier film, and from a documentary of the period showing how it was made. ~ Clarke Fountain, All Movie Guide跑出新世界:部落女孩羅雷娜暗黑刽子手任长霞2005伊甸园及其后狙击精英:秘密任务龙转乾坤探险家:最后的特普伊山美满结局节奏组克洛伊的完美生活第一季实习医生格蕾 第八季总统之路2016仙武传暗杀风暴粤语版僵尸国度 第三季冰血暴第五季博斯 第二季橘子星月交错炭火仔:勇战巨魔王魔由心生1989硅谷第一季所罗门的伪证后篇:审判夏日将止绑架地球人两小无知高校新人贪心鬼见鬼十五岁的笑脸自鸣鼓军鸡麦克斯·克劳德的星际冒险3年A班:从现在起,大家都是人质SP街头女战士2:Worldwide Log海军罪案调查处:洛杉矶第一季最爱之人~Theothersideof日本沈没~局长汤米地狱之轮 第一季女神跟我走城市故事第四季血腥的宽恕

